Suburban General Contractors
In Pennsylvania, the competition among independent contractors is tight, and getting your name out into the market to attract new business can be difficult. Small contracting companies typically find some success through word-of-mouth advertising. But to really gain recognition in the marketplace, small businesses, like their larger counterparts, should develop some type of marketing plan.
A good starting point is a well-designed logo that presents the company image and, more specifically, how the company meets customer expectations through that image. Bob Tisoskey of Suburban General Contractors in Souderton, Pennsylvania, learned this recently with the help of his local Safeguard Consultant.
Tisoskey was looking for ways to reach more prospects, on his limited marketing budget. A business friend of his referred him to the local Safeguard Consultant. The consultant suggested that Tisoskey needed a logo and introduced him to Safeguards graphic design services. Together, they created a logo Tisoskey felt confident could help him generate new business. Because Safeguard was offering complimentary logo and business card design, Tisoskey was able to stretch his marketing budget and print not only business cards but also signs that will be placed in the yards of the customers he is serving. He also put the logo on a sign and placed that on his building.
The Safeguard Consultant then suggested that Tisoskey use his new logo on shirts that he and his employees would wear during the workday. Apparel is another relatively inexpensive way to project a professional image to prospective customers. After reviewing various options, Tisoskey purchased polo shirts and hooded jackets with his logo embroidered on them and T-shirts, silk-screened with his logo.
Tisoskey was surprised to find that he could work all of these marketing pieces into his limited budget. And since he began developing a more consistent brand image, hes been able to generate greater recognition and, in turn, a lot more business.
I am currently extremely busy. It's been a challenge to keep up. I put a few signs on lawns of jobs in progress and have given out dozens of business cards. May be a coincidence, but I got just about every job after I got all my logo items from you. I believe the logo, shirts, signs and cards do help me look like I am not just another Joe Shmoe contractor. Thanks again for all your help.
Implementing a marketing plan does not have to cost a lot of money. With a few well-designed pieces, even small businesses can build the brand recognition they need to be successful.