Oil, Gas and Chemical Storage Partner
One of the world’s leading independent storage partners for oil, gas and chemicals had a wide variety of time-critical business needs. Fortunately, their Safeguard consultant was ready, willing and able to help out.
Like all major companies, this one has a main logo that appears in all the usual places. But they recently rolled out an employee-facing health and wellness program with its own logo and need for promotion.
Their Safeguard consultant showed them how easily and effectively the program’s logo could be featured on a handy tote bag that not only got the message across, but gave employees a useful item they could use every day.
The company was also in need of promotional items for its annual golf tournament, as well as help with an important global meeting attended by the company’s upper management and executives.
Once again, their Safeguard consultant came to the rescue with ideas and promo products that perfectly fit their requirements, their budget and their timelines.
The lesson here is a simple one: Don’t hesitate to include your Safeguard consultant in discussions of your own initiatives. Chances are he or she can assist with just about everything you can think of, while helping you identify other business-building opportunities.