MediSystems Medical Group Management
A Pennsylvania medical billing company shared a recent experience with Safeguard. A few months ago, a Safeguard consultant visited the billing company to learn more about their business. During the initial consultation, they discussed the history of the business, target audience, client base location, growth plans and marketing strategies (what worked vs. what didnt). During the meeting, it became apparent the customer relied exclusively on healthcare professionals word-of-mouth referrals and prior contacts for business growth. The consultant discovered the medical billing company had not yet established its brand identity and was using generic marketing materials and business cards. The consultant recommended Safeguard develop a new logo to establish a brand identity for a prospecting campaign. Using information gathered from the initial consultation, the consultant was able to work with the Safeguard design team to create professional concepts for a new logo, direct mail piece and a comprehensive leave-behind. These standard marketing tools made it easy for the customer to start establishing its brand and name recognition by using a new logo on customer prospecting materials.