How to Make Your Invoices Pay Off Twice
You already know invoices are necessary for getting paid, but did you know you can also use them to sell additional products and services to existing customers — without incurring extra postage and mailing fees? Here are five easy, effective ways to sell more with invoices:
1. Add an offer box to your invoices
The simplest way to turn an invoice into a marketing tool is to create an area for promotion. It doesn't have to be box-shaped, but it should certainly be attractive and engaging. Use it to promote any kind of information or offer you'd like: a discount coupon, a product or service introduction or something that motivates a visit to your website. Some marketers even offer an instant discount on the current invoice in return for an additional purchase.
2. Include a flyer or sales sheet
Slipping a sales sheet or flyer in with an invoice is a common practice that provides extra space for promoting your business. A separate sales sheet or flyer also makes it easier for customers to file your invoice without losing sight of your offer. You can even use the offer box on your invoice to direct customers' attention to your flyer to help make sure they keep it.
3. Slip an invitation in along with your invoice
If you host special customer events — after-hour sales, seminars, online meetings, classes, entertainment, etc. — you can slip the invitations into your invoice envelopes. Always make it clear that your exclusive event is by invitation only and include a response deadline, so you can properly plan the event
4. Insert a brochure into your invoice envelope
Brochures are perfect invoice add-ons when you want to entice customers with a larger product or service offering. Again, you can use your invoice's offer box to reinforce the importance of your brochure. And you can sweeten the deal with a special offer that motivates customers to take the next step and buy.
5. Send out mini-catalogues with your invoices
If you have a lot of different products or services to sell, printing up mini-catalogues and including them with your invoices is a great way to showcase your business and motivate customers to buy. Consider adding a coupon or coupon code with an expiration date to encourage fast action.
Invoices are bills, first and foremost. But that's no reason to pass up an opportunity to use them for smart marketing. With a few simple add-ons, you can make more money issuing invoices than ever before.